
Daily Archives: February 11, 2010

Day 1 is in the books!!! Great job you guys….lots of people gettin’ stars all over the place!!!! I am sure some of you guys struggled a little bit when trying to figure out “What do I eat?” but that’s ok. It’s not going to just happen overnight. It’s just like learning anything new, it’s going to take some time. It will take trial and error, it will take making some really interesting combinations of food that you may never want to attempt to cook again (I have done that sooooo many times, I’m a terrible cook). So hang in there it’s only going to get easier.

There is a subject that should be broached with slight care because for many it’s scary….FAT!!!! We have been beaten upside the head since the early 80’s that fat is bad…low fat this, low fat that…..Hey guys how good does fat taste? Yeah it’s pretty dang amazing!!!! So start enjoying it a little bit!!!! I know it’s a little difficult to comprehend, but trust me pretty soon you’re gonna dig it!!!! So just start a little bit of a time. We are going to give you some good examples of fats so you can have some more ideas on what to have.

Here’s a little secret, if you are feeling super hungry after a meal just take a look at what you ate and ask yourself if you had any fat. Your meats aren’t actually considered fat so with your protein you get to eat more!!!! So if you are feeling hungry and pretty sluggish chances are you need more protein and the fat!!! Here are some fats for you to choose from:

Olive oil
Almond Butter
Nuts: Almonds, Brazil, Macadamia, Pecans, & Walnuts just to name a few!!
Coconut- yummy
Fish oil

This is not the end all be all list…there’s way more out there. If you are bored at work today look into a more extensive list of good Paleo fats, it can’t help to arm yourself with more!!!! =)

Keep up the good work guys!!!! If you have questions feel free to post and we will help you out the best you can!!!!

How would you rate your nutrition today? Let’s hear how it went?


Those of you that need to make up your Challenge WOD can do so.

4 Rounds of:
400m Run
50 Situps