
Monthly Archives: March 2010

Hello XFA family, great intensity on the WODs today guys, way to break in the new gym!  Just a couple of reminders, make sure to register for the Pear Blossom all you runners and yes I know I need to as well…Mo!!  Click on the link  to register.  Also, there is going to be a CrossFit dinner party on April 10th place and time TBA the night of the Pear Blossom, everyone is welcome to come enjoy good food and even better company.   Hope everyone is enjoying the new space, I know we sure are and thank you for your understanding with everything that still needs to be completed.  A few more weeks and we should be good to go!! Oh I almost forgot the promo video is being edited this week and we have gotten some great feed back. Super stoked to see how it turns out!!  Till tomorrow have a great night and sweet dreams to all!! 


5 thrusters on the min (95/65)

Continue on the minute until you fail, or reach 10 min/50 reps

Rest 10 min

100 push ups for time


3 Rounds of:
30 Wall Balls 10′
30 Hang Squat Snatch (75/45)

Beth's Bday WOD. "The Dirty 30 minus 1!!" Great way to end our last class on 4th and Front:)

Yippee!!  We have completed the move thanks to all of your help.  There is no way we could have finished the move on time with out you guys.  Thank you so much!!  The new gym is so amazing and can’t wait until we are completely settled!!  Tomorrow is our first day at the new gym and the address is 1921 United Way Medford, Oregon 97504.  We are pumped and looking forward to what amazing things will happen between those four walls.  Once again thanks to all of those who helped and gave of their time we are so grateful for all that you do.     

Directions To New XFA Gym!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Click on the link:,+97504&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.732051,92.724609&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1921+United+Way,+Medford,+Jackson,+Oregon+97504&z=16


15 min AMRAP

5 Push Jerk 155lb/100lb

30 Double Unders



5 Rounds of:

3 Power Snatch @ 75% of 1RM

6 Ball Slams

9 Push ups

X-WOD Runs: Run ALL 4

Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-12%. First 1/2mile, Run backwards,2nd 1/2 mileRun Forward.

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

Run: 4x200m hold within 2-3sec, Rest 60sec between intervals then,

2x400m hold within 2-3sec, Rest 60sec between intervals.

Rest 3min

Sprint 5sec on, 30 sec off, Complete 600m in this rep scheme. Extra steps taken to slow down on each sprint must be walked back to your stopping point during the rest.

Run: 5K: run 15min, 10 milers run 40min

Day 1 of the move is in the books!!  Thanks to the tremendous help by so many people we couldn’t have done this with out you.  We are so thankful and its because of all your help today we will be open for our normal class times on Monday!!  Free Saturday class 9:30am at the new gym.  Come one, come all!!

Click on the link below to see a google maps of our new location…,+Medford+Oregon+97504&sll=42.357006,-122.859271&sspn=0.00666,0.013926&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1921+United+Way,+Medford,+Jackson,+Oregon+97504&z=16

Quote of the Day:  “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

The day is upon us and after tomorrow no more red doors sad I know, no running into each other on the floor or on your way out the door for the runs, no strangers from across the street asking what we are doing in there, and no more rubber mat pieces in places we don’t want!!  There has been so many great moments that have been engraved in our memory that we will take with us.  The tiny, little place on the corner of 4th and Front St has seen some amazing things happen and so many peoples lives changed for the better.  Where we walk in unsure about ourselves and walk out wanting the best for ourselves!! 

There will be two classes tomorrow 6am and 9am and after the 9am class tomorrow we will start the move. We could use as much help as we can get to try to move  all the equipment by Friday.  Yes I am being optimistic, but we’re CrossFit Allegiance and all we need to do is put a timer to the move and we will have our old gym moved in no time!!  Okay maybe the timer idea is a little crazy, but I feel we can have most if not all the equipment moved tomorrow.  I am super excited about this weekend, yes lots of work ahead, but going to be so much fun sharing it with such an amazing group of people.  See ya all tomorrow and don’t forget Saturday 9:30am will be at the new gym, 1921 United Way.  Come take a look at the new place and help us break it in the right way.  Hope to see all of you peeps there!!  


Friday Fun Day:  So be creative with the equipment that will be available!!

Sign Is Up:)

Hello XFA family hope everyone had a great day!! There was some serious energy today in all the classes.  Keep up the hard work two more days left at the old gym.  Lets go out in flames and burn the place down!!  HAHA!!  Please don’t forget 9:30 Saturday class will be at the new facility so please join us and break the new gym in the right way!  The address is 1921 United Way hope you all can come and celebrate!!!  

I also wanted to say great job to those gutting out the last couple weeks of our Nutrition Challenge, I know it’s not easy and you could very easily throw in the towel but who wants to give up on their nutrition, something so important to how we look, feel, and perform.  Plus your eating habits and food choices shouldn’t stop or change because the challenge will be over.  Our hope is that we have a better understanding of what types of food our body works best with and continue to tweak and modify.  I am proud of all of you, continue to push and better your life because you are so worth it and deserve every penny!!  

One last thing to all the Newbies that have decided to take the chance and give CrossFit Allegiance a shot thank you.  We promise to make your experience something you will never forget.  We all welcome you with open arms and are here to support you along this journey.  Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.  Always love seeing new faces:)  


OHS: 5, 3, 3, 1 

Snatch: 6 x 2 on the min (use 80% of 1 RM) 

Rest 10 min 

5 x 30:30 (30sec on, 30 sec off) of 

Kettlebell Swings (35/26) 



OHS (135#/95#) 


Pull up

Russ and Byron!!

WOW… can’t believe the move is less than three days away!!  So excited for whats to come of our future home.  But we could sure use some man muscles to help move all the equipment and heavy mats out of the old place and into the new.  We start the move at 10 am on Friday and will be working all day long.  There will be a free 9:30am Saturday class but it will be at the new facility!!  After class on Saturday we will continue to move and set up the new gym.  So if anyone can help and pitch in a hand that would be wonderful.  The more help we have the sooner we can open the doors.  If you have any questions please let us know.


3 x 15

GHD Back Extensions

GHD Situps

Kettlebell Swings




Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Min.

3 Back Squat @ 75% 1RM


Trista & Sophie!!

Pam & Mike




Paleo Party!!  Great people + great food = great time!!  Thanks to everyone that showed up to the Paleo Party and shared their favorite paleo dish.  The food was amazing and there was even gluten-free beer!!  We all had a great time and a special thanks to Shane Sevick for the hospitality.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but I wouldn’t mind stocking up my recipe book with those dishes from the party… fabulous!!  So for those that brought a dish if you could please post to comments for all to enjoy!!  

Last Week at the old place!!  On Friday March 26th we will have two classes 6am and 9am class.  After the 9am class we will start the move to the new gym!! We could really use some help this weekend moving and setting up our future home!!  Our new address is 1921 United Way, right across from Southern Oregon Brewery, back left corner.  

Don’t forget to Sponser-A-Mat $39 before April 1st for an unlimited month membership!!  Just need to use before September!!  

Hope you all had a great weekend looking forward to having an awesome last week in our old gym!!  Lets go out the right way blood, sweat, and tears!!    


6 rounds for time: 

5 Power Cleans (185/130) 

10 knees to elbows 

15 Med Ball Slams 


3 Rounds of: 

50 Double Unders 

21 Burpees 

400m Run 

X-WOD Runs  

Run ALL 4!! 

Run: 12x 20sec Sprints, All out Efforts… 2min Recovery between sprints 

Run: 3k for 5ker’s/5k for 10 milers 

3×7 min intervals w/3min recovery between rounds. 

Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-12%. First 1/2mile, Run backwards,2nd 1/2 mileRun Forward.


Hello XFA family just wanted to let every one know Lu Crenshaw is going to be on the radio KCMX 880AM tomorrow from 6am to 7am.  So lets all listen in and you can even call and give her some support or ask her some questions (541) 772-8255.  Lu is going to be awesome on the air just hope she feels better and her voice comes around or she might sound like me (Austin)!! 

We have one week left at our old place yes its going to be sad to leave all the sweat and tears but we are so excited to start this new journey with everyone.  The new facility is going to be amazing and can’t wait to get settled.  We start the move March 26th so if any of you guys can help that would be extremely appreciated.  We will be moving all weekend long!!  If you have any questions please let us know. 

I don’t know about you guys but I was feeling some positive and intense energy in the gym this week!  All of you guys are stepping up to your challenges.  That’s what it’s all about you will have good days and bad days, but it’s all about raising up to the challenge and overcoming.  It might just be your day or it might not but either way keep your head up.  If you fall no big deal get back up and try again.  That’s the only way your going to improve and grow…we are here to support you guys in any way you need.  Thanks to you guys for all that you do!! 

Runner WOD

Front Squat 12 x 2 on the minute @ 80% of 1RM

REST 5-10 mins

3 Rounds of

20 pull ups

30 push ups

40 sit ups

50 squats


3 Rounds of

60 secs of as many Double Unders in a minute rest 60 secs


AMRAP in 10 mins

Ground to Overhead 135/95

Anyway you can take the weight from the floor to locked out overhead.