
Daily Archives: March 19, 2010


Hello XFA family just wanted to let every one know Lu Crenshaw is going to be on the radio KCMX 880AM tomorrow from 6am to 7am.  So lets all listen in and you can even call and give her some support or ask her some questions (541) 772-8255.  Lu is going to be awesome on the air just hope she feels better and her voice comes around or she might sound like me (Austin)!! 

We have one week left at our old place yes its going to be sad to leave all the sweat and tears but we are so excited to start this new journey with everyone.  The new facility is going to be amazing and can’t wait to get settled.  We start the move March 26th so if any of you guys can help that would be extremely appreciated.  We will be moving all weekend long!!  If you have any questions please let us know. 

I don’t know about you guys but I was feeling some positive and intense energy in the gym this week!  All of you guys are stepping up to your challenges.  That’s what it’s all about you will have good days and bad days, but it’s all about raising up to the challenge and overcoming.  It might just be your day or it might not but either way keep your head up.  If you fall no big deal get back up and try again.  That’s the only way your going to improve and grow…we are here to support you guys in any way you need.  Thanks to you guys for all that you do!! 

Runner WOD

Front Squat 12 x 2 on the minute @ 80% of 1RM

REST 5-10 mins

3 Rounds of

20 pull ups

30 push ups

40 sit ups

50 squats


3 Rounds of

60 secs of as many Double Unders in a minute rest 60 secs


AMRAP in 10 mins

Ground to Overhead 135/95

Anyway you can take the weight from the floor to locked out overhead.